Build Train & Customize your own Answer Bot

Step by Step Training

Answer Bots, powered by advanced artificial intelligence technology, act as virtual assistants, providing instant and accurate responses to customer queries. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, we can ensure prompt and efficient support, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. I'll show you how to build, train, customize and implement an Answer Bot.

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Terry will discuss the market for, and the success of Answer Bot implementations by top brands like Starbucks, Spotify, HM, and Mastercard, among others. The benefits of Answer Bots for customer support, increasing customer satisfaction, enhancing user experience on websites, and promising future trends in Answer Bot technology for businesses.

We will Cover

- Of what use are Answer Bots
- Look at a couple of examples
- Gathering Data
- Training your Bots
- Personalizing your Bots
- Testing Your Bot
- Earning with your Bots

Why Answer Bots?

When it comes to customer support, implementing answer bots is like harnessing a powerful ally in the pursuit of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Like a well-oiled machine, answer bots streamline the process of providing accurate and timely responses to customer queries, freeing up valuable resources and ensuring a seamless support experience.

Terry Power

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Online Marketer

Richard M.

Terry is a no-nonsense instructor who know his topics and keeps classes focused. He presents information in actionable lessons that can immediately be both understood and applied.


Gwen K.

Terry and his way of teaching is always on spot. Genuinely there for those that listen, and teaches things others don't. This guy rocks and can't wait to listen to the next webby. thanks Terry!

SEO Agency

Dick O.

I have learned a great deal on seminars that Terry has conducted. Thanks a lot for the training, I picked up some golden nuggets for sure!